
I am a fan of checking a person's "Status" in the various social media places I like to linger: Facebook, Twitter and Gmail Pager.

Currently, I have the following statuses on each:

I will confess, these are pretty boring statuses. Not nearly as exciting as some of the ones I have read today:
  • SoxyLady Loves that Turkey, Johnny Pesky
  • EW Just popped the cherry on my new credit card by signing up for Reiki level I class.
  • ken_cosgrove If any of you ladies has information leading to the return of my lighter, please contact me. I am offering a handsome reward.
  • Bail reminds you: national banned books week is 9/27-10/4. Pick up something special to read.
  • JK and Tim are seeing Equus tonight.
  • BF is going to hartford, again. It's $96 in mileage away :)
  • Josh is 'Are you there, Vodka? It's me, Josh.'
  • DG: Bailing Out Wall St
  • Bail: wonders - is it really all on Barney Frank?
Clearly, I need to be much more creative with my updates.


Anonymous said…
Between people's statuses and Twitter I am entertained all day long.
BFW (Tammy) said…
I hear ya on that one! I'm so addicted to updating my FB status... but I suck at updating my Twitter one. AND, my statuses are always boring. I need to be more eventive as well. What did we all do before social networking became all the rave? (had lives?)
bonbonagogo said…
I am offended that you didn't use any of my statuses. Hmph.
Me said…
WHat are you talking about??? You're the "BF" in the one above!
Vanessa said…
I love to see statuses too. Also I have to say, I cannot wait for my Reiki class! Just need to get sheets now.
bonbonagogo said…
Oh duh! Silly me! Actually...the other night I saw an old friend who said to me, "Long time! But I totally keep up with you through your status on facebook!" It's not the first time I have heard that.

Gotta's time for a status update ;)

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