The Mysteries Of My Life...

I will never understand:
  • Why it takes me three hours to finish a small glass of wine while drinking at home. (Things seem to go down much quicker when I am in a social setting.)
  • Why, every few weeks, I suddenly can't seem to do Bikram yoga postures that require me to put pressure on my belly. (It's been going on for the past four classes... Half Tortoise pose... Rabbit pose... I feel like I am going to throw up!)
  • Why The Husband makes no effort to touch his toes. I've told him many times, "Flexibility is the key to longevity! You are going to die young if you don't learn to be more flexible!"
  • Why, after seven years, I still have a hard time talking about it.
  • Why, after five months, people are still leaving nasty comments to each other on my post about The Real Housewives of New Jersey.
  • Why people like Dirty Dancing. It's a shit movie. (Sorry Mum. Sorry Red. Sorry new sister-in-law... As I imagine you like it too.)
  • Why I keep dreaming about peeing and toilets.


Anonymous said…
Likely answer to 2 of your mysteries - you have "issues" with your kidney/bladder. It's why you're dreaming of urination and also why your core strength/flexibility is compromised.
nancy said…
You are 100% correct... Dirty Dancing is a complete shit movie!

Don't even get me started on Top Gun!
Me said…
Nah... No issues with my kidney and bladder. Dreams of peeing are indications that you have something emotionally or mentally that you need to release. They are also an indication that you are going through a spiritual cleansing.

But I've been having these dreams for about two years now. So I have been going through a slow spiritual cleansing. But I don't feel any more enlightened than two years ago.

Also, the problem I am having with these poses is the pressure they are putting on my stomach, not my kidneys/bladder area. I feel as though I am going to vomit when I move into them. But, yesterday at least, I made sure to eat 5 hours before class. So it's not like I had undigested food in my stomach. But yet, I felt like I was going to vomit.
Anonymous said…
It's a romantic movie and reminds me of my past life. So yes, I love it!

and the music is awesome!!

your mother!
The comments to the Real Housewives post is the weirdest thing ever. Doesn't it seem like all of anonymous comments are from the same person? Since they seem to be filming the show where I grew up, I am so making my husband watch so he can appreciate that I am NOT one of those trashy NJ housewives!
Anonymous said…
a) I'm so glad to hear that I am not the only girl on earth that didn't get the appeal of Dirty Dancing or the crappy soundtrack. No offense to the Missus' mom, of course.

b) I just spent entirely too much time reading the RHWofNJ thread. Those anonymous readers are fired up - that was some real comedy!
Anonymous said…
You're pregnant.
Me said…
No. Not pregnant. This happens every month. If I was preggers, this wouldn't happen each month.
Anonymous said…
Just wondering if you've ever asked your Bikram instructors their thoughts on the throw-up feeling during rabbit and tortoise?

Do you think that it could be linked with water intake during class?
Me said…
It's totally possible, Chi-town.

I have been taking a lot less water than I used to though. And I've noticed a burning sensation in my throat whenever we do postures that require me to lean forward. Could be as simple as my metabolism being adjusted.

I've never asked them before though. But you're totally right, I should.
Bayjb said…
It totally takes me 3 hours to drink a glass of wine. It's sad.
Anonymous said…
I'm pretty sure it is an awesomely bad movie and that is what makes it fantastic!
Nobody puts baby in a corner!

the baby!!!!
Anonymous said…
I'm not crazy about the movie either. Red's right, it is an "awesomely bad movie." But like all "awesomely bad" productions, it is fun to quote and most people will recognize the reference.

"Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!"

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