Bikram Teacher Training: Online App Submitted!


The Bikram Yoga website has been updated! And it is official... Fall teacher training will be in Las Vegas from September 19th through November 20th. (Despite hearing well-founded rumors that it was moving to either Hawaii or Mexico.)

I am DEFINITELY going this Fall. In fact, I have already submitted the online application...

All that's left to do (in the application process) are the following:
  • Get medical waiver signed (happening next Tuesday)
  • Get letter of recommendation from Bikram Yoga Toronto (already requested)
  • Mail in $$$$$ check for full payment of training, room and board (happening at the end of May)

Now to get down to some serious dialogue memorization.


Natalie said…
Hooray! I'll see you there!
Robin M Anderson said…
Congratulations!!! So happy it worked out for you!
bikramarian said…
What a dream come true! I assume your employer has give the thumbs up on being gone for so long.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! Can't wait to take your class and let you have revenge for all of my classes you've taken!
Danielle said…
Holy awesome, batman!!! YEAAAHHH!!!
Danielle said…
Holy awesome, batman!!!! YEAHHHH!!!
Me said…
LOL! Thanks guys!

Nat: Looking forward to meeting you in person!

Barb: What goes around, comes around. (KIDDING!)
Shardae said…
Yeh! Lets get this show on the road. Looking forward to meeting you in person at TT.... How exciting, it really is a dream come true!
hannahjustbreathe said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Sooooo exciting!!!
Unknown said…
Fantastic! Congratulations and good luck!
Liz said…

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