Why Don't You - Get Some Spring Flowers & Coffee, "Betch"?

I'm back in Boston today... And Spring has decided to stick around now that it is May. This means all kinds of gorgeous things are abound. Including these...

Lilacs! Fragrant and beautiful.

I am sitting by my window, at my table, writing this afternoon. I intend to head out for a walk soon... But not before downing this...

It's one of my new favorite things, courtesy of my sister-in-law's trip to Vegas a few weekends ago. It's a "Britney Bitch" coffee mug... And it's making this Starbucks Willow blend even more awesome.

Though I only have this week and next left to spend "Spring" here in Boston... I'm going to make the most of gorgeous temperatures, Spring flowers, and this mug on these afternoons.


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