Christmas In Arizona.

I finally got my act together this evening and booked flights for The Husband and I back home to Arizona for the holidays.

We'll be visiting my parents in Southern Arizona for four days, then driving back up to Tucson to stay at (what I have heard) is an amazing spa resort in the Catalinas... Miraval.

I indeed have a choice! And I choose to relax in the mountains while hiking, doing yoga and spa-ing.


We were originally going to hit up Sedona while in Arizona over the holidays... But it is just too far from where my parents live. Like six hours too far. So I will hit up Sedona from Phoenix when I am there next Spring for my sister's bridal shower.

For now, Christmas can't come fast enough.


Can you see me right now? Green with envy. I am going to Fiji in January and I am STILL green with envy. That's how bad this mama needs a spa trip. Looks amazing!
Me said…
But Fiji has amazing spas too!!!! That sounds amazing!!
April Elizabeth said…
what does Human do while you are doing yoga? I know the fiancee would bitch and bitch and bitch and try to convince me to get back in bed if i did yoga on vacation. That place looks amazing!!!!
Dan said…
Nice place for the holidays. Nothing like Christmas in the heat. We'll be heading to Naples (Fla.) to sift sand through our toes, splash in the waves and drink Malbec at sunset.

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