Healthy Dish For The Weak: Magical Healing Soup.

Last week a new lifestyle book came out that I had been looking forward to for nearly a year... Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet.

It's not a "diet" book per se... It's a lifestyle book. One about how to become a vegan or - if you're more disciplined - a macrobiotic follower. Any information I can get about cutting out the crap that is bad for me (meat, wheat, sugar), I will inhale it!

I made one of the recipes the first night I got the book... A radicchio and spelt crust pizza with white truffle oil. And because I am sick today, I decided to make the "Magical Healing Soup" recipe...

Daikon, carrot, celery, red onion, broccoli, button mushrooms, trumpet mushrooms, ginger, soy sauce (the wheat-free kind), leek, watercress, scallion... It a pot of natural and (because I bought it) organic goodness.

It was so easy to cook. You add things in pieces and then let it simmer. Took a total of 15 minutes. And that includes the time it took me to peel and chop all the veggies. And when it was done...

It tasted so good!


bikramarian said…
I'm not exactly trying to be a vegan, but I'm liking your reports on this book and the recipes. I may pick this one up.
Kimberley said…
I bought the book too and think it's great. I'm not sure that I'm a fan of daikon or burdock, but I like a culinary adventure as much as the next girl.

Get well soon!
Me said…
I don't drink Burdock tea either, but that's because it is "bad" for my blood type. I was hesitant to try daikon... But when it is cooked and softened by the soup, it dilutes the punch of flavor it has... So it was actually good.

I must say... It's been about two hours since I had the soup, and I feel really good. I am gonna have some more for dinner in a few hours.

I definitely recommend this book too.
bikramyogachick said…
Looks so good! Even if one can't totally convert entirely to that kind of lifestyle, it sure is good to incorporate things....replacing unhealthy with healthy. I think I will check out that book!
Duffy Pratt said…
It does look good, but it's hard for me that you would even scratch the surface of melding the flavors into a broth in only 15 minutes. If you have leftovers, and you cook the soup again, I'm willing to bet it will taste much better on the second go round.
Me said…
I wondered about that too, Duff. The soy sauce I added certainly helped create a flavorful broth. But I am sure the leftovers i have for dinner tonight will be nice and flavorful.
Duffy Pratt said…
Have you ever tried Julia Child's potato leek soup? It could not be simpler. Into two quarts of water you add about two medium diced boiling potatoes, and one thinly sliced leek. Let simmer for about 50 minutes, then remove the vegetables and run them through a food mill or blender and mix it back in with the water. As a base for most vegetable soups, its pretty miraculous, and it couldn't be healthier. (Seasoning with salt and pepper is to taste, and because it's French, you could add some cream before serving, but its not really needed.)
Anonymous said…
i've been dying to get the book! i am going to try and get it this weekend maybe. i've been looking forward to it as well! I've only heard good things too!

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