Cereal Milk Ice Cream.

We got into a little bit of a debate today at work.

One of the team members had a bowl of Cinnamon Life cereal. But she doesn't normally sip the milk that's left in the bottom of the bowl after all the cereal is eaten.

Personally, I find that sacrilege. As I think milk on it's own is disgusting, and feel that one of the best things in the world is the milk at the bottom of the bowl of Fruity Pebbles or Cap'n Crunch. But to each their own.

Or so I thought.

Apparently, another team member felt the same way as I... And decided that if the team member wasn't going to drink the cereal milk themselves, that they would do it. And do he did... The team member. He picked up the other's bowl and sipped it down.

We "eww"-ed loudly. But then I realized that he simply didn't want the deliciousness to go to waste. And THAT I can respect.

This also got me thinking about a restaurant I had heard of in NYC that makes cereal milk ice soft serve ice cream. And I decided that I really need to make some of that myself, since I don't think there is any place in Toronto that makes it. (Anyone know of any place???)

I am currently in the process of trying to procure the following soft serve ice cream maker (because soft serve is the BEST kind of ice cream!)...

I am also researching ice cream recipes. I am totally serious about this. I want to make Fruity Pebbles Cereal Milk Soft Serve Ice Cream.

Doesn't that sound AMAZING???


bikramyogachick said…
Yes! It DOES sound amazing!

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