Ice Cream Cake Is Crap.

Whoa. I know I will probably get my Internet ass kicked for this one. But I have to take a stand for all that is decent in this world. Someone must stand up and shout for all to hear...


Tonight, after making a healthy dinner, I heated up a slice of cake in the microwave to share with The Husband. I then took some ice cream out of the fridge and scooped a little out onto the cake. Then I said the following...

"There's nothing better than ice cream and cake."

"Ice cream cake?" was asked.

"Eff no!" I screeched.

I then went on to rant about why ice cream AND cake rules and why ice cream cake is for heathens.

Ice Cream AND Cake Righteousness:
  • The contrast between the warm cake and the cold ice cream is amazing.
  • You essentially are getting TWO desserts on one plate.
  • Frosting, if the cake has any, kicks ASS.
Ice Cream Cake Suckiness:
  • You are only getting one dessert.
  • They are eff-ing hard as hell to cut.
  • Only one sensation while eating: COLD
  • No real frosting. Only that think layer of fondant that is cold tasteless.
This is NOT subject to debate.


amandadawn said…
As much as I love ice cream cake, you are mostly right. Cake is often merely a vehicle for frosting (unless I bake it, of course =P), but should be indulged with ice cream. Especially warm cake. But I've yet to pass up an opportunity for ice cream, so if it must come in a cake form, then consider me forked.

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