Saying "No" To Everything.

I am about to go into my "No" era.

"No" to everything. 

For how long?

"No" idea.

I've been a "Say yes and figure it out" person for so long, though. And while I feel I have truly mastered the "no" in my personal life... In my work life I have been a "yes" person always. 

Yes to new projects.

Yes to new roles.

Yes to more responsibility, without significant increases.

Yes to giving away my ideas - and not realizing the exchange was lopsided. 

And that is the pattern till I make myself angry for a year or two... Or six. Then the explosion happens and I bolt.

And I leave a smouldering path behind me - sometimes which reignites.

And the burning continues.

When it happens, it is because I intended it to.


Anyway... I am working on changing my operating pattern.

You are welcome, world.

Here, have some flowers. They're prettty and will cheer you up.

I will be dialing back my mindshare, starting now.

If I get fired, it will be because I am ready to burn some things.

And if saying "no" is what ignites things... Then it will be a very warm Spring and Summer.

I write all of this, and you probably thing, "She must be unhappy at work."

I'm not. I very much like what I do.

I have to hold myself accountable, though. And make time for me to focus on things outside of work. And if the only way I can do that is to leave... Then I leave.


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