Men: Food and Sex.

A co-worker of mine forwarded an amusing IM "Away" message from one of her friends. It's written from the male point-of-view and gives insight into how (some) men may operate in the brain.

A Man:
Ye see, sometimes women "Anthropomorphize" men by attributin' the female experience onto their male partners in the same way a child attributes the powers of speech onto their teddy bear. When ye see him lost in thought, he's probably just thinkin' "Hey, she's good at providing food and sex." Or "I wonder when she is going to be providing food or sex next?" Or, "I could sure use some sex right now - or perhaps some food."

We're just not that complicated. It DOES get tricky when the male tries to please the female by trying to pass AS a female and claiming to have ''feelings'' and such that are all soft and squishy. This should be seen for what it really is - and attempt to acquire either food or sex.

My friend "C-Dub" (a guy) added that men also think about money; in addition to sex and food. My other guy friend Brevitt confirmed for me last week that men are simple. "We don't pick up on things that easily. You have to tell us flat-out what's on your mind. We're not good at guessing or hints."

Makes me wonder if it can be broken down that simply for men (food, sex, money), what the hell do we women think about?

I'm afraid to even generalize and guess on that one.


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