Cupcakes Could Be Sexier.

I understand the fun of this new chain that opened on Newbury Street a few Saturdays ago. BUT... The shirt styles are tres boring! How is a girl supposed to wear these shirts? They're not flattering to a girlie figure at all!

I'm sorry, but if you want to roll on upper Newbury Street (where the retail real estate is more $$$$) then you need to get with the program and realize who shops there. (Hint: It's a LOT of girls.)

Though I do give them credit for their choice of space... Right next to the Hello Kitty store. And I do very much like the designs on the shirts. Who doesn't love cupcakes!?!?!?!? I just wish they were more girlie! I have boobs... But in shirts that come up that high, it'll look simply like I am fat. (Which I'm not.) They need to throw in some more fitted v-neck and scoop neck shirts.


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