Here Comes the Sun.

Yay! Summer is officially here! And that means today is the longest day of the year. ( Happy Summer Solstice!) This means early morning runs along the Charles without total darkness, lunch hours spent outside, and al fresco evening cocktail hours after work. (Who doesn't love that?)

But just because the carefree days of Summer are here, it doesn't mean it's time to go carefree and loose with the sunblock... Even on work days. Here are some of the best, all "Missus Approved":

PCA SKIN pHaze 7 Protecting Hydrator, SPF 25

I love PCA (Physician's Choice of Arizona) face products. They are fantastic. They cleared up my skin after a slight battle with adult acne. This moisturizer comes with SPF 25 already in it. No need to slather on the same stuff you put on the rest of your body.

Aveeno Sunblock Lotion, Continuous Protection, SPF 45

This is a great one for your body. Although, it is oil-free; so you could certainly put it on even the most sensitive faces.

Jason Natural Cosmetics Sunbrellas Sun Care Kid's Block, SPF 46

I love how Jason products go the extra step of demonstrating their different from every other product out there. This sun block comes in SPF 46. That's one above 45. (Reminds me of Spinal Tap and going to "11.")

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer, Dry-Touch Sunblock, SPF 55

This one doesn't leave you feeling moist or greasy, and an added bonus - it's SPF 55. I highly recommend most Neutrogena products.

One I DO NOT recommend however is:

Neutrogena Fresh Cooling Body Mist Sunblock

This stuff is horrible. It's a spray and doesn't go on evenly at all. Even if you follow the directions to a "T."

Happy sunshine! Remember to keep yourself protected!


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