An Inconvenient Time to Get Caught in the Rain?

Earlier this weekend, I was out walking around. It was hot and sunny at about 11am. I was in downtown crossing, so I decided to duck into the movie theater by the park to see if I could catch a film and cool down.

I decided to see The Lake House, that new Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock movie. It was okay... A total chick flick. I did enjoy it though. Don't get me wrong. Aftewards, I walked outside and saw the torrential down-pour that had come about while I had been tucked in the theater for the last two hours. I didn't have an umbrella (who knew it would be raining that hard?), so I went back inside to go to the ATM. I wanted cash to catch a cab home. But the ATM was broken. So I decided I was gonna "wait it out" for a while. See if I could run across the street to catch the bus back to the South End when the rain lightened up.

But it never did. It just began pouring harder and harder. It was almost 2:30 in the afternoon. So I made the decision to go back inside and buy another ticket to a movie. My choices were "Nacho Libre" or "An Inconvenient Truth." I went with the latter. And it wasn't a disappointment.

Such a good documentary. It's that film by Al Gore where he covers the environment and th emany different factors going on with it... From the melting of the ice caps and snowy mountain tops that provide natural drinking water for many to the current administration's actions (or lack ther of, really) in the past five years regarding it.

Highly recommend the Al Gore film. I guess getting stuck at the tehater for five hours ended up not being so inconvenient afterall.

To learn more about the film, or the topic it covers, visit


Sarah said…
Yeah, that's the rain we got caught in as we were moving this weekend. Good times, huh?
Anonymous said…
Indeed, I heard "An Inconvenient Truth" was good. Glad to see it is getting some play.
Me said…
There's another documentary coming out later this year called, "Who Killed the Electric Car?" I definitely want to see that one too.
Anonymous said…
Check out how it's doing at the box office. #7 all time among documentaries.

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