No Fussin' with the 'Tussin.

In the past 24 hours, I seem to have come down with flu-like symptoms... Which I hope is not a pending sign that I will be coming down with the measles.

I made a run across the street to the drugstore and picked a childhood favorite of mine... Robitussin.

I had forgotten how killer this stuff was! I love the taste. Keep your fingers crossed that the measles stays at bay.


Anonymous said…
if you have what i have...which is probably pretty safe to assume since we work so closely all the time...then you should accompany the 'tussin with some sudafed, claritin, and benadryl or nyquil at basically every over the counter medicine you can find...such a good time :-p

good luck chica!
Me said…
Yay! Except, I don't swallow pills.. So this will be a problem. Ugh!
Me said…
Yay! Except, I don't swallow pills.. So this will be a problem. Ugh!

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