Rockin' Out: In the Closet.

In our apartment here in the South End, we don't have a closet in our bedroom. No, instead we have a second room of our bedroom that is about two-thirds the size of the bedroom (and the bedroom is pretty spaciaous. This second room houses all of our clothes, shoes, bags, luggage, linens, our huge dresser and mirror and an ironing board. It even has a large window in it that faces our back deck. We don't call it a closet; though that is it's purpose... Rather, we call it our "dressing room."

Because our brownstone is so old, I believe the room was once intended as a bedroom (or nursery) of it's own. It's bigger than most dorm rooms. So the room has high ceilings with "California" shelves and racks... and it even has about three outlets in there and is carpeted. So the other day, I decided (since I am in the room for a good hour every morning getting ready for work) to put my husband's old CD/tape boombox in there to listen to music and radio. I thought it was a brilliant idea... You know, help keep me motivated in the mornings while getting ready.

Well, I am beginning to think putting the boombox in there was a bad idea. It was a bad idea because my husband (a lover of early 1980s music and nothing after that) has decided to pull out his old Journey and Boston music and now plays them whenever he is in the bedroom hanging out... Which is always. The sad part of this is that he doesn't have the music on CD. No, he has it on cassette tape. So he has to stop and rewind the tapes to re-hear "More than a Feeling" and "Don't Stop Believing."

Even sadder (for me) is that he insists on singing, dancing and playing air guitar while listening. If I happen to walk into the room while he is doing this, he gives me a "Yeah! Check it out baby!" type of acknowledgement... Suggesting that I join in with him on all the "rockin' out" fun.

Once we have a kid, I'm turning that room into a nursery. I can't have my child exposed to this.


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