Bikram: The Five Year Anniversary.

I realized something in last night's class...

"Holy shit! I have officially been practicing Bikram yoga for FIVE years now!"

Yep... October 11th, 2004 is when I began my journey. After about two and a half years of practicing, I finally stopped wearing LONG yoga pants and transitioned my butt into shorts. I remember the very first day I wore shorts, my teacher noticed.

"The Missus! You are wearing shorts today! Finally!"

"Nothing ever gets by that one," I thought. "Eyes like a hawk. Memory like a cat. Never forgets."

It took another year and a half before I felt comfortable enough with my body to wear shorter shorts. But besides me being comfortable with what I wear in class, my abilities and focus are much further along than they were five years ago. And in last night's class (which was surprisingly tough for me), I had a nice breakthrough... I aggressively kicked out in Standing-Head-to-Knee.

It was awesome. Sure, I've kicked out before, but last night was the first time I felt that I could have balanced with my one leg straight out. And bending my elbows? Didn't throw me off at all. No, the only time I wobbled and fell out was when I went to put my forehead to my knee... The last part.

That is excellent progress for five years! Here's to another five (decades) of practice!


Allie said…
Good for you! That's awesome!
Unknown said…
Congratulations! I just celebrated my six-month anniversary. :) You are an inspiration to me - I hope that I, too, can stick with Bikram for five years. At least.
bikramyogachick said…
Oh that rocks! Ya, that gets me too....the forehead to knee part. I've been practicing two and a half years and just started kicking out. We are patient though, you and I! We WILL get our forehead to our knee and freakin' hold it. Even if it takes ten years. Cuz that's just what we do....bikram yoga! Congrats on your anniversary!!
Lindy B said…
MISSUS! I am so happy for you - for both the FIVE years (which wasn't always easy, as we know) and for the kicking out. It's an amazing feeling when you're standing, kicked out, and thinking, "Holy hell, I'm not wobbling. Not even a little bit." I'm psyched for you! Rock on...
Me said…
Thanks gals!!! It is quite the achievement!
thedancingj said…
Cool!! I love that you know the date of your anniversary. The 5 year mark is a BIG one! Congrats!! You are definitely a "lifer" now. Me too. Isn't it GREAT?! I love that there's never any reason why you have to stop!
bikramarian said…
I wish I knew the day I started. I'd love another reason to celebrate something. But I went twice and didn't go back for months, so I don't think that should count. Anway, congrats on coming so far.

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