Fashion "No-No": Obvious Shoulder Pads.

Oh Kimmie K... I know you like to date the professional football players... But that doesn't mean you have to shove your beautifully curvy body into hot dress with ridiculously large shoulder pads in it.

Oh... Wait. Make that a hot dress with a ridiculously large shoulder PAD in it. As in "one."

Seriously... What gives? You have a phenomenal body. You should rock the God-given curves you have in it... Not add an artificial one in a place that really doesn't need to rival the shoulder pads your (ex?) boyfriend wears on the field.

Badly done, girl.


Anonymous said…
I was watching the E channel this morning as I was reading this post- and they seem to think Shoulder pads are in-- eek! shoulder pads are just scary!
Me said…
Shoulder pads of that height are scary. And unacceptable!!!!
bikramyogachick said…
I thought we were rid of shoulder pads for good! And just one.....ugh. Horrible!
bonbonagogo said…
She looks like an alien or someone in an 80s video, no?
Bayjb said…
I hate that shoulder pads are coming back anyhow but the pointed ones are just awful. FAIL!

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