Starbucks Closed? NO!!!!

What the hell?

I am dragging today. DRAGGING! I had a busy weekend, and I was up till nearly 2am trying to finish some work last night. I was up at 7am and decided to wait till I got to the office to get my morning latte from the Starbucks near work.

My mistake.

There are FIVE Starbucks near my house. But when I walk to the subway, I don't walk past any of them. So rather than taking a detour, I decided (as I usually do) to get my coffee from the one next door to my work.

At precisely 8:32am, I get out of the subway station and walk across the street to the Starbucks. I notice on the front steps that the morning newspapers are still there.

"No one brought these in?" I wonder.

That's when I try to open the door... And fail. The lights are barely on and no one is inside. I look at the "Hours of Operation" on the door. It reads that they open at 6am. I double-check my iPhone to verify that it is indeed after 8:30am, and that I am not just running absurdly early today.

Another patron walks up the steps to join me. An older gentleman.

"They're not open," I told him.

"What?" he grumbles. "They have to be!"

I watch as he tries to open the door and then peek inside.

"This is crap!" he says, and walks down the street to the very place I am headed but do not want to go to...

Second Cup.

It's another coffee house chain here in Toronto. There are a handful of various chains. I like Starbucks, Lettieri's and Urbana Coffee. Timothy's is pretty good too. For a one-off kick ass coffee place, there's JetFuel in the Cabbagetown neighborhood. But for shitty coffee and oafish service, there's Second Cup.

Or as I like to call it, "Second Suck."

But I am desperate this morning. And the nearest Starbucks is a 15-minute walk away. So I stomp my feet to Second Cup.

Every time I go to this coffee place, something is not right about my order. Either they use the wrong milk instead of what I requested... Or they give me a small when I asked for a medium... Or they take fah-evah to get the order out. Or, like today, they over-filled my cup... And I ended up with foam soy milk all over my hands when I went to put the lid on the cup.

(In Canada, you have to put your own lid on your cup. It's a health regulation. They won't do it for you.)

The coffee itself isn't bad. Well, the espresso isn't bad. It's just a combination of lacking skills and customer service that make this place my least favorite chain to go to. But today, there was no choice.


bikramyogachick said…
Ugh. That really sucks! Happy Monday?? :)
Cardinal rule: DO NOT mess with people's coffee routines on a MONDAY morning.

Man oh man. What a way to start the day!
Me said…
Thanks for the sympathy gals!

It's funny... On mornings when I practice Bikram first thing, I don't even need coffee the rest of the day. The Toronto studio I go to begins offering 6:30am classes next week. I may try to mostly kick the coffee habit by taking this class...

I don't ever want to feel the way I did this morning. A totally crap way to start a Monday.
Vanessa said…
Why do you have to put your own lid on the cup? How does it affect health? Someone may sneak something into your drink?
Me said…
I think it's a matter of their hands touching the top of the lids, which you technically put your mouth on to drink out of...

I hadn't ever thought about it before I moved here.
Danny Writes said…
I want to know how everbody has time to blog on a Thursday morning, at 9:30am??? I guess I need a Blackberry?
Me said…
Or an iPhone... Which is how I took the picture and wrote the post. iPhone has kick ass apps that let you blog from anywhere.

And people who are good at time management and smart are able to blog at 9:30am on Thursday.

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