Native American Art: The Dream.

I have been having vivid dreams again lately. I don't what has spurred them to reoccur... But last night's was odd. And it wasn't until I was at work today, finding mentally exhausted on some stuff, that it hit me what it meant.

The dream:
I am in my house. There are other people in it too. The realtor who sole me the house is giving a home tour of it for others... Not because we are selling it. She is doing it as part of a "home and garden tour."

People are coming up to me and telling me how beautiful my home is and how lucky I am. And I am doing my best to be modest, but thanking them for their words enthusiastically. That's when the realtor comes up to me and informs me that at some point in the tour, I will need to give a talk, or "lecture," for the group.

I am confident speaking in front of groups in my real life, so I have no problem getting up and talking. And as soon as I am about to begin brainstorming the various things I can talk to the group about, the realtor informs me that I am to give the talk on, "Native American art."

"Native American art?" I ask her, confused.

She smiles and says, "Yes."

"But I don't have any and I don't know anything about it," I tell her.

She just smiles and walks away.

That's all I can recall.

I pushed the dream out of my head until mid-morning, when I my brain muscles were being flexed and over-worked trying to figure something out... That's when it hit me exactly what the dream meant.

"Duh!" I said to myself. I believe I may have even Tweeted about it. I knew exactly what the dream meant.

I have a habit of falling into patterns, you see. And this dream was my subconscious alerting me that I am doing that. And that I won't be happy long-term in that pattern. So, "beware!"

The realtor represents a search "for a new sense of self." To give a lecture means, quite frankly, "you are becoming somewhat of a bore" and that you need to "improve you communication skills." A reference to Native American in a dream represents a desire for "freedom from cultural and societal restraints." Art represents "expression." To dream of your home represents "basic needs and values."

Clearly, I am being told that I am becoming lame and need to liven things up. Express myself!

I just wish I knew how. I can't ever seem to quiet my mind down enough to focus lately. On anything. Not even sleep.

The only way I can get to sleep lately is to either exhaust myself physically, or read a book till I can't keep my eyes awake. Otherwise, my mind is running through dozens of various things and I can't focus enough to get to sleep.


Nichole M said…
I've been running into this problem recently, too. And apparently the other night, I dreamed about someone giving a blood curdling scream, which woke me up. But I thought it was real, and only confirmed by asking a neighbor, whom I swore got up (we have thin walls).

So I usually have to get up and turn on cartoon network (something brainless) and get my brain turned off.
Bex said…
i am completely fascinated with dreams and their meanings (have been since high school, actually).

i'm impressed with how many of your dreams you remember and interpret!
Unknown said…
Well, I don't think you're boring! From someone with no knowledge at all of dream interpretation, it seems like an anxiety dream to me: everything's going great, you're comfortable, then all of a sudden KAPOW - the unexpected. Maybe things feel a little too smooth right now and you are subconsciously worried that something will go wrong. Not like that ever happens to me... ;)


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