High Heels On Children? Hell no!

When I was 10 years old, I was obsessed with two things:
  • High Heels
  • Make-Up
Unfortunately, for my fifth grade self, my mother would not allow me to wear either of these things. Make-up had to wait until I was 13 - a teenager. But the heels... I got to wear those a little earlier.

By the time I was 11, and in sixth grade, my mother permitted me to wear shoes with a very small "kitten heel." I loved them and felt so sophisticated in them! But Mum had her rules...
No wearing them to school, only to special occasions and church.
Nothing higher than a kitten heel till I was in high school.

Back then, I thought these rules were strict, and a bit harsh. But now, I completely agree with them. And I find it shocking that girls as young as three are trotting around in 2-inch heels.

Oh Suri. You are almost 4, and you are already a little fashion trendsetter! But I don't necessarily think this is a good thing.

I found this article interesting... But disagree completely with the sub-headline:

"If Child Insists, Only Allow In Moderation"

What??? Um... How about "No." Better yet, how about, "Fucking no way in hell"?

Sorry, but I have no problem saying "no" to anyone... To employers... To family... To husband... To fake homeless people on the street... And mostly to children. I was said "No" to a lot as a child. And you know what? It prepared me to better handle rejection in life as well as not fear going after what I wanted.

As my Dad used to say, "All you can do is ask. The worst anyone can say is 'no.'" He said that to me after I asked if I could stay out past my Cinderella-midnight curfew for prom one year. He said, "No."

So, dear future son or daughter that my psychic says I will be having in the next two years even though I don't know that I want children, "If you ask me if you can wear high heels before you are in junior high, I will decline your request."


bikramarian said…
"dear future son or daughter that my psychic says I will be having in the next two years even though I don't know that I want children"

That is damn hilarious!

Oh, and yeah I agree with the whole heels on kids thing.
N.N.S. said…
Haha oh my god i went through the same situation when i was 11 as well. I was not allowed to wear heels, or makeup or even a bra. It's so funny though because i am a camp counselor at a summer camp upstate and yeah these girls that i supervise may be 11 or 12 but they are wayyy to mature for their age. When there are dances, the girls go full out in makeup and some girls even wear bandanas as shirts... for 12 year old boys! as comical as it is, it is also some what alarming. I guess the age of innonces is far over.
Duffy Pratt said…
Heels can cause corns, hammertoes, bunions, ankle problems, knee pain, osteoarthritis, posture problems, and lower back pain. So why just "no" for children? And yes, for many women, they look good, at least until they develop really ugly feet from wearing them too much.
Me said…
I am very selective when I wear heels. I don't wear them very often myself. And would refuse to work anywhere that required me to wear heels everyday.

But heels are fun sometimes! It's nice to have longer legs for special occasions!
Dan said…
Our little resident loves walking around in high heels - her mom's - and daddy's shoes. But she doesn't leave the house. And we certainly aren't going to buy her size.
Me said…
Oh yes, Dan! I did the same thing as a little girl... Mommy's heels and Daddy's Army boots. But it would be a cold day in hell before I was ever allowed to leave the house wearing them.

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