Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Sucks Black.

So... Since the Starbucks episode earlier in the week, I have refrained from going back there to get coffee during the work day. Instead, I have opted to go across the street and get coffee from the New England favorite, Dunkin' Donuts.

Coffee from Dunkin' Donuts is fantastic, if you like drinking a little coffee and a bunch of cream and sugar. Because that's pretty much what you're getting. But I'm trying to be good and not drink unneccessary calories where I can. So I order my coffee black. And you know what? Coffee ordered black from Dunkin' Donuts sucks. It tastes weak. Like Keystone Beer. Or PBR.

It's all wrong. And I am a big believer in drinking coffee black. Maybe pour a packet of raw sugar or Splenda in it... But no cream.

I don't know what I'm going to do next week. I'll have to find another Starbucks to hit. Or head over to Espresso Royale on Newbury Street for a Cubano. But that would be one hell of a trek.

I may have to learn to suck it up and kick the coffee habit.


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