Eternal Spring (Accessories).

I was out walking to my yoga class this afternoon (which is 1.4 miles away from my home) when I realized how beautiful it was outside; but so very blistering at the same time. Ugh.

After 20 minutes outside, I couldn't feel my ears and nose; and my left ring finger tip was numb. I thought to myself "How the hell much longer till spring?"

Boston in winter is no pretty picture. And to be honest, this winter has been very weak. We've been spoiled with fairly warm days. Today's weather is pretty typical of most winter days here. But it still makes me anxious for spring. Spring showers. Lots of flowers. And best of all, spring accessories in bright colors!

Even though I am in the process of putting together my spring list of "must buys," I can't wait to pull out some of my old pieces. The one piece I am dying to pull out is this blue and aqua striped straw tote bag.

I love this tote. It's vibrant. It is both a spring and summer piece. And best of all, it only cost me $2. That's right, just two bucks! I bought it in 2002 when I went home to visit my family in Arizona. I found it on a clearance rack at a Walmart. I know, it's probably politically incorrect to like Walmart, but they have really cool accessories that are wicked cheap! It's my small town's answer to H&M. (Which is another fantastic place to shop on the very, very cheap.)

Ah... Just holding the bag in my hands warms me. And realistically, it's only about 4 weeks till spring weather is here. So it won't be long till my "vintage" piece can be pulled out and used.


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