Vacation lessons needed.

Growing up, my family never really took vacations. There were two or three trips as a child to Disneyland/Disney World. But most of the time, our "vacations" were spent at my grandparents' house in West Phoenix. So it makes sense that as an adult, I'm slow at grasping the concept of "the vacation."

Throughout high school and college, whenever my friends took off for Mexico to hang on the beaches during spring breaks, I would stay back. I always reasoned that with everyone else leaving I would be able to pick up extra hours at whatever parttime job I was working.

The first vacation I took as an adult was for my 23rd b-day. I decided to visit a friend from college who had moved to NYC at the time. I went out there for five days with the intention of touring the city by myself. Within the first two days of being there though, I had gone on one job interview and ended up getting an offer. So I spent the rest of my week there looking for a place to live. Three weeks after getting the job offer, I moved to NYC with a suitcase and a trunk. So my vacation had ended up not being a vacation at all.

So the first "legitimate" vacation I took was to Rome for my husband and mine's first perpetual honeymoon. (I call it "perpetual" because every year over American Thanksgiving we take a trip... Just the two of us.) Last Thanksgiving, we went to Paris. This Thanksgiving (hopefully I'll be pregnant then) we are thinking Greece or maybe Milan.

But, this won't be the only vacation we take this year. As a surprise for his 30th b-day, I am surprising my husband with a trip to the Turks and Caicos.

This will be my first beach vacation ever. (Although, I lived on the beach in Tampa as a child... But that doesn't count. I'm not a fan of Florida.) And I'm not sure what one does while on a beach vacation. Isn't it required that you lay about getting sun and reading? I don't swim, so I probably won't be going into the water too much.

Whatever I end up doing, it's going to be tons of fun. I think I am getting the hang of this whole vacation thing.


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