Happy Valentine's Day.

Most husbands get their wives flowers for Valentine's Day. But my husband knows how picky I am when it comes to flowers. I like only certain varieties, and I massively particular about the color of the flowers.

For example, my husband knows to never, ever send me a bouquet of mixed flowers. Most floral houses do not know how to style an arrangement appropriately. So I inevitably end taking the bouquet apart and re-styling it myself.

Also, my husband knows that if he sends me one type of flower in a number of colors, I will take apart the bouquet and separate it by color. I can't mix colors. It's wrong.

My favorite variety of flowers include:

Peonies (my absolute favorite)
Calla Lilies
Various types of orchids

I detest roses and most other kinds of lilies.

So, for Valentine's Day, my husband took me to a tasty dinner at Sibling Rivalry on Saturday night. Then, at work on Valentine's Day, he sent me a bouquet of mixed-colored daisies. (Which I separated out into vessels according to color.)

To be honest, I was expecting him to do both of these things. It's typical thoughtfulness from my husband. But, what I wasn't expecting was te surprise I got today. :)

I was up to my ass in work projects today when I get a voicemail from the front desk that an envelope had arrived for me. When I collected and opened it, inside was a gift certificate to my favorite spa in town, Exhale. So thoughtful! Just when I had expected the traditional from my husband, he surprises me.

I got on the phone and thanked him immediately. The I dialed the spa and booked a "fusion massage" for Sunday night at 5:30pm.

Ahh! I can't wait!


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