There's a big fat jerk who works at Starbucks next to the Hancock Tower.

Yeah... No surprise there. In any fast-paced coffee stop in any metropolitan area, there's always (at least) one person who works there who has no idea what good "customer service" is.

So, this morning I am on my usual 10 minute walk to work. And instead of stopping at the Starbucks across the street from my apartment, I decide to hit the one right next to my office building. I go in to the shop and there isn't a line. Two employees are standing at the registers chatting. There's a girl who is perusing the juices stacked in front. And there are people waiting in line who have ordered their drinks already. So I walk up to one of the two available employees and place my order. The guy just glared at me and took my order. I smiled at him, because I am notoriously friendly and perky. I pay him. He gives me my change. I drop a dollar into the tip bin.... (You know. For good karma.) And I go to wait for my drink to be prepared. After I place my order, two more guys place their orders. Finally, the girl who was perusing the juice section finally brings her stuff up to the counter. The guy who took my order says to her, "Thank you so much for waiting, despite three RUDE customers cutting in front of you."

I knew exactly who he was referring to in his jackass tone. Mostly because he kind of glared at me and the two other guys when he said it, as we were still waiting for our drinks.

Now normally, I am a big bitch when it comes to people being rude and snide to me. Especially when it's people who work in a customer service type of job... Because, I've been there. I've waited tables, tended bar, worked retail, etc. for many years through college and even afterwards as a second job. I know how to deal with bad customers. I know how to deal with good customers. But I would never EVER say something like that to a customer.

Normally I would go up to the offending person and confront them, then I would ask for an apology. And if I didn't get it, I would then ask for the manager. I mean, all I did was walk in and utilize one of the two available employees to place my order for my $2.15 Americano, plus the $.85 tip I left in the bin. I didn't come in there to be insulted.

But today, I'm trying to be a better person and not be a bitch when provoked (which, like I wrote before, is so my "MO.") So I decided to just ignore it. The next time I go in there and have this gentleman wait on me, the only tip I'll leave is a handwritten note with good customer service suggestions for him.

The jackass.


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