Seeking spousal support.

I think when you choose to become a celebrity, you should pretty much bank on the fact that if you decide to get married... Chances are it won't last.

I know. I know. That's very cynical of me. But that's how I "roll" in life. Forever the pessimist.

Seriously though. When you decide to get married to someone, you need to realize that you are entering into a business contract of sorts. Sure, there's loads of love and passion there (I hope. Otherwise, why get married?!?) but you need accept that the union may not work out. And what is your Plan B?

I think one of the most stupid celebrities out there (after Britney Spears) has to be Jessica Simpson. Now, I don't like her music. But I do like her. She's bubbly. She's pretty. After working with a stylist, she now has good taste in clothes. She just seems like the girl in school everyone would like. She's nice to everyone.

However, even though she's a sweetheart, she is an idiot when it comes to the whole marriage thing. And her parents really steered her wrong in that department. They were so hell-bent on helping her become a celebrity, they failed to look into the future and consider the possibility that they might actually succeed. If they had stopped to consider that she would be rich and famous and pulling in an estimated $30 million for last year, they would have made her sign a pre-nupt.

Now, it's three years after she walked down the aisle with Nick Lachey. And the marriage is over. They are going in different directions personally and professionally. The relationship couldn't be maintained. So the option is divorce. But, because there's no pre-nupt, any money made during the marriage is up for grabs. And guess what? In this Hollywood divorce, it's the husband who wants a piece of the pie!

That's right, Nick Lachey wants alimony.

And good for him! I think, if you fail to consider that divorce may be down the road in your marriage (before you get married) and you don't take sensible business precautions, you are kind of asking for this type of financial loss.

Let this a lesson to most men and women out there (especially celebrities) who are considering marriage. Marriage is a time of coming together and intending to be together for the rest of your lives. But realize what you make during that marriage is claimable by both people.

Now, how long do you think it will be till Britney and the "carny" she married walk down the divorce path?


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