Model Diet Secrets: How To Get Stupidly Thin.

Well... If you want to get stick-thin like some models, here is their secret diet (which was posted on PageSix today):

"She (a model told to lose 15 pounds from her already 'too thin' frame) got strict instructions. She was told to only have a little bit of orange juice and a big coffee in the morning, which would make her go to the bathroom. Then she was told to keep sucking down coffee all day until at least 3 p.m., when she could eat lettuce with a tiny bit of tuna with a drop of mayo. Dinner is a tiny square of broiled fish about 2 inches long and a glass of wine."

Wow! I am estimating that that all of that has the following calorie count:
  • Bit of orange juice: 55 calories
  • Big Coffee: 8 calories
  • Four More Big Coffees Throughout the Day: 32 calories
  • Two Inches Broiled Fish: 93 calories
  • Glass of Red Wine: 100 calories
TOTAL: 288 calories

Wow! Personally, I could never be that disciplined (or crazy) to only eat the above. If you only ate that, your body would begin to feed on itself. And along with the diet, the agency (that put together this diet for its clients) told its models not to exercise.

So no food... And no exercise?

How are these models supposed to enjoy life?


Kate said…
Well, add on the tiny bit of tuna and mayo and that's perhaps another 150 calories (it's mayo). This brings you to a whopping 438 calories.

Still, no dice for me!
Me said…
Oh yeah.. I forgot the tuna and mayo!

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