Sarah Palin...

She's pro-life and against same-sex marriage...

That's enough for me to say, "Thanks, but no thanks, John McCain. I appreciate you pandering to my ovaries by picking a woman - one who just gave birth in April... But there's no way I am voting for you. But you already knew that."


Anonymous said…
While I don't agree with many of her politics (like the ones you mentioned above), I think Palin was a fascinating choice for McCain. Whether it's going to help him or hurt him, remains to be seen. I do think he's pushed away many extreme right wing conservatives (You know, the men who think she should be at home raising the kids instead of working!)

There are some things I like about this woman but please don't confuse the reasons I like her with me saying I support her as our next VP, I don't know that yet.
*She was a journalism major
*She is against wasteful spending. She got rid of the governor's jet and flies commercial or drives herself around
*She reduced her own salary
*She's for oil resource development in Alaska, but also for raising taxes on profits made by oil companies
*She supports our troops, in fact, her own son is being sent to Iraq in September
*She shoots guns, she goes camping, she goes fishing, she kicks ass and takes names
*She's committed to raising a special needs child
Anonymous said…
reference the comment:

I really don't understand how she will be able to raise a special needs child with what she will have on her plate. I think someone else will be doing it.

I also don't agree with oil development in the US. We NEED to go green. One would just be delaying the inevitable with drilling for our own oil. We need to get the Green started now, it will take time but it needs to be started now.

It would be interesting to see if she could cut costs, but she will be dealing with others who really won't want too.

Also, she would only be able to promote her own ideas if something were to happen to McCain, afterall, she would only be a VP. I do believe that man has his own agenda and plans on sticking with it.

She is really a cool person, but the bad part of all this, is that McCain would be the man. hmmmm
Mark said…
She's a real down-to-earth kind of woman. Her family is largely blue-collar and suburban. This is sure to appeal to many everyday Americans who are not too convinced by Obama.
thedancingj said…
Bikram does political commentary!! "you guys hear this? i hear yesterday a republican does a smart thing, first time ever - he pick woman for vice president. first time i ever see republican do smart thing!" (i don't even remember what part of class this was... somewhere around fixed firm maybe...)

I'm digging LA :)
Me said…
J! You're in LA taking classes at Bikram's school?

Arielle said…
Hey, found your blog through Jenn of Free and Flawed. Had to add you to my reader because I live in Cleveland Circle and am always looking for more Boston bloggers! Anyway every single news site on my google reader was filled with posts this morning about how supposedly Palin's 4 month old isn't even her own child, it's her grandchild. She denies it obviously but they say it's her daughter's son (daughter is not married, obvi). Scandalllll.
Anonymous said…
If you have heard the Democratic commentary on this woman -- i.e., it's her fault her daughter's pg; she needs to be at home with her children instead of working; she obviously did something wrong prenatally or she wouldn't have had a special needs child; her youngest child is really her grandchild -- the gossip mill wouldn't be functioning 24/7 frantically dredging up the same tired old arguments for why a woman shouldn't hold public office if they weren't concerned that she is the genuine article.

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