Super Eff Yeah!! Cheez-Its!!!!
OH MY GOD!!!!!

All my peeps back in Boston have been so awesome since I have left. They've offered to ship me things all the time. Including my beloved Cheez-Its. But the few who have dared to try shipping me these things have been met with a strict, "Shipping food to Canada is not allowed" rule by various shipping agents.
Well, one of my friends was very sneaky. And crafty. And for this, he rules.
See, my friend MC worked for me at my last company. He is funny. Random. And quite frankly, a little scary sometimes with what comes out of his mouth. But that's what we liked about him. He was entertaining, and he was actually good at his job... Despite distracting the others around him. A few weeks back he said he had a Christmas gift that he wanted to send The Husband and I. And I won't lie, I was worried about what would be in it. I honestly thought he would try to send me marijuana... Or pictures of pornography... Because he knew I would find it funny and scary. But no... He kept it straight and sent me what he knew I missed much from home...

Fucking Cheez-Its!!!!! And American ketchup! And some kick ass chocolates!!!
Props to him for sneaking it to me. Mad props!
I know what you're talking about the ketchup. We used to drive through Canada on our way to Michigan and when we'd stop for lunch, I always felt like the ketchup was a little off.
Crazy American taste buds!
Sooo good.