Tuesday Nights Are My "Angry Nights."
Some of you follow me on Twitter. So you know exactly what I am talking about here...
I use Twitter a lot. I "tweet" often. And usually I keep things "pretty clean." But there is one block of time each week that I get out of control and crazy with the foul language in my tweets... When I watch The Biggest Loser.
Here are collection of this past week's greatest tweets from me while watching The Biggest Loser.
Yes. I know I ought to be ashamed. But I am not. Liz is a whore. A stupid, fat whore. And Rudy is the biggest asshole the show has seen in a really long time. So really, I am just telling the truth. But I did worry that I was offending others who follow me under normal circumstances when I use far more gentler language...
Apparently I had nothing to worry about.
"I don't even watch The Biggest Loser... But I love following your tweets!"
"Hilarious! I'm not offended!"
"You are dead-on with your assessment of Liz. And Rudy is a dick!"
"I look forward to your tweets on Tuesdays!"
These were just some of the responses I got when I apologized for my colorfulness. I was grateful that I had so much support. Because while I am not ashamed of my use of foul language, I do not want to offend my following Tweeters.
Unless those following me are Rudy and Liz from The Biggest Loser. Then they can go fuck themselves.