Help Me Pick A Front Door Color.

I need help.

I went back to the store today to pick up some orange-colored paint samples to throw on the front door.

The one on the left is "Fresh Tangerines." The one on the right is called "Carotene."

Just like with the "Flaming Torch" red color from yesterday, I slathered them on the door to see what they would look like...

And I still can' quite decide.

The one thing I have determined, though, is that the Carotene color (the lighter orange one) is out of the running.

If my house was a darker color, I'd go for it. But it's is a cream color. So the red or the darker orange is going to pop better.

Here is what the door looks like right now, complete with my shoddy paint sampling job...

What are your thoughts?


Cubiclegirl said…
I love the orange so much. Cranberry is super traditional, which is why I think it's calling to you. But I've been reading your blog forevah and think the orange is much more you.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
The Red is you!
Anonymous said…
They are both nice, but I prefer the orange. It's more whimsical. Also, a lot of smaller churches have red doors, so red seems kind of churchy and less homey to me.
Happy said…
I like the orange, too. It's fresh and inviting.
Anonymous said…
My front door is a Benjamin Moore color called "Leap of Faith." I love the color AND the name! Check it out!

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