He's Not Gay. He Just Has Lots of Style.

The other night, my friends and I were hanging out at the local martini hot spot here in the South End.

(Unrelated comment here... My personal opinion on flavored martinis is they have seen their day. If you're gonna do a martini, stick with the original gin or vodka one. Cosmos and the like are now passe.)

On weekend nights, the patio for the bar is open only to patrons looking to eat dinner. If you're there to just sip martinis and drinks, you're regulated to the bar. And it's a nice bar. So I have no complaints. The bartenders are hot (and probably gay) and they gave excellent service and were quick with making sure you were taken care of for drinks and nibbles.

Well, my friends and I got there early in the designated cocktail hours. And we hung around for quite some time. Before we knew it, the place was packed and quite the scene. Lots of great-looking people dressed well. And it was a broad range of people types. Though, it was predominately straight gals and their gay-guy pals. I was probably one of the few women there with a few straight guys... One who was there with his girlfriend. The other is a friend who is currently "single." The "couple" friends left before my single friend and I were ready to leave. We wanted one more drink.

So there we were... My friend G. and I chatting about gossip mecca "Perez Hilton" and search engine marketing. (We both work in this field.) The bar was crowded and full of lively and great-looking people. G. had plenty of pretty ladies to look at. But due to cirumstances currently beyond his control, he was a little shy and not really looking to meet new gals.

We were wrapping up our final drinks when I decided I needed to hit the loo one final time before I walked home. (The bathroom at 28 Degrees is quite the "must-see" place.) As I was wasing my hands in their beautiful sinks, a girl who had been sitting down the bar from G. and I was standing next me. She was a pretty, petite blonde gal; dressed all in black. (Stylish and adorable!) She began to talk to me.

Stylish, Adorable, Petite Blonde Girl: "Can I ask you about the guy your with at the bar?"

Me, The Missus: "You mean G.? G.'s great! What do you want to know?"

Stylish, Adorable, Petite Blonde Girl: "What's his story?"

Me, The Missus: "His story? He's single. And really nice. Isn't he cute?"

Stylish, Adorable, Petite Blonde Girl: "Is he gay?"

Me, The Missus: "Oh no. He's definitely straight."

Stylish, Adorable, Petite Blonde Girl: "Aww.... Bummer. My friend F., who I'm sitting with at the bar has been totally lusting after him all night. He's going to be so disappointed!"

Me, The Missus: "Sorry. He gets this a lot. He's not gay though. He's just very stylish."

I left and went back out to the bar. I relayed the whole bathroom scene to G. I casually pointed out the gal and the guy to him.

"I saw them checking me out," he said. "I was hoping it was her that was interested. She's totally cute!"

"Yeah," I told him. "When she first started talking to me, I thought she was asking for herself. Bummer."


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