Say It Ain't So LonelyGirl15!!!!!

A few weeks back I blogged about LonelyGirl15. She was a vlogger on YouTube who posted regularly. She has an odd life... And her posts are very well put together and the music she edits over her video totally rocked... It is a "guilty pleasure" of mine.

Anyhow... I am a part of a media network and receive newsfeeds emailed to me everyday. in today's feed was an article from the L.A. Times about whether or not LonelyGirl15 is an actual girl... Or creation of a talent agency in L.A. called Creative Artists Agency.

I will be so utterly disappointed if it turns out she is a creation. She will lose her "coolness."

And this won't be the first time I have learned of companies posing their posts on YouTube. About two weeks ago I learned that the "Tea Par-tay" video I blogged about last month came from a competing agency of ours for an account we were pitching.

I still have to give that video "mad digital props" though. It was awesome. And KT (from work) found it on YouTube randomly. No one emailed it to her. (Shows you the power of viral videos.)

But I REALLY, REALLY don't want to find out LonelyGirl15 is a creation of some talent agency. I don't want lose the faith of the power of this digital media.


Sarah said…
Is this the chick who got in a fight with her friend Michael or something about her dad and her religion? I'll be pissed if it's fake!
Me said…
Yep. It was her friend Daniel (not Michael) she got in the fight with.
Anonymous said…
it is fake:
Anonymous said…
It's fake, a farse, a phony, a sham - but in my mind, it's brilliant. But whoever is behind it should remember that sometimes you can be too slick. The bigger question will be "how will YouTube respond?". I believe this one will get under some people's skin - lot's of people don't like to be suckered.
Dayngr said…
Fake she is. This is similar to the Blair Witch Project where we are led to believe that this is really happening or happened docudrama style. What is sad though, to me, is when people purposely misrepresent themselves for their own personal gains like the author of A Million Little Pieces. This is just the latest episode in the Reality Realm. However, if you were entertained then it's all good right? Or is it?


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