"Rockstar Deep Dive."

I think some of the most brilliant people who I work with in marketing are people who don't really like marketing.

By that I mean, "They don't like much of the B.S. that gets tossed around in this industry that marketers are known for."

I consider myself to be very much apart of that group. The people who are the best in the interactive marketing field are the ones that don't rely heavily on what is the "norm" in the industry. They kick things up a notch and are eclectic in their thinking.

I am not one for conforming to the norm. I play by the rules (which means I work and get the job done) but I'm not about to do things the same way everyone else is just because that is the way we are told is the standard. And one of the things that is the standard in my industry is using a lot of B.S. marketing terms that I cringe at whenever I hear.

I think the one term that I find the most annoying lately is "deep dive."

Example of how it is used: "Yeah, that's cool CLIENT X. We're gonna take a 'deep dive' into that and 'circle back' with our findings."

This term is picking up serious use in the place I work. And it's not just my office. Others out there in the interactive marketing world are hearing it too; and are equally annoyed by it. Why, the other day I got an IM from my friend Brevitt while at work that said:

"I just got 'deep dived' in a meeting."

He makes it a point to ping me on IM every time he hears it, just because he knows I hate it.

Well, last night I went out for drinks at a lounge in my neighborhood with Brevitt and a few other industry people. We got on the topic of how we hate some of these B.S. terms.

"Why say 'deep dive?'" asked my friend Wighty. "Why not just say 'I'm gonna analyze the shit out of that?'"

"Yeah! It's so annoying!" I screeched. "I want to slap OFFENDER X in our office every time they use it!"

"I think we should do a 'rockstar deep dive' on why you feel that way Missus." said Chris.

We all stopped and looked at him.... He had just evolved the word to a new level.

"That's it!" I said. "I'm gonna enter that term into Wikipedia this weekend."



Jeff said…
Completely agree about "deep dive." I'm in B-school at a top-5 institution and if I hear deep dive one more time I'm going to stab myself in the eye with a fork. Also - "slide deck." Ugh.

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