New Computer!

I did it. After I left a work "function" tonight, I hopped into a cab and headed over to the CambridgeSide Galleria. My mission: to buy a new computer. Specifically, a MacBook.

I bought a white MacBook, retractable mouse, Office: mac, and a new printer/scanner/copier. The printer/scanner/copier was essentially free. If you buy it with the computer, it has a rebate you send in to make it free.

I'm so excited! This thing is FAST! And easy to use!


Goarany said…

Actually, I'm very much thinking about getting a white MacBook myself, but a bit hesitant though due to all the hype about its discoloration and scratching issues...Given that u got one on late 2006, have you experienced any similar issues till then ?

Thanks :D

Me said…
Hey... Haven't had ANY issues with discolorations or scratching... And I am on this thing A LOT during the day.

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