Laptop Dilemma.

My husband and I have been in desperate need of a new computer for about a year and a half now. We each have Thinkpads that we bring home from our perspective employers. But, we should really have a quality home computer in which to do fun stuff online... Like shop, blog, read gossip, sports scores, download music and podcasts and more.

And seeing as it I am the more tech-savvy of the two of us (I'm also the more handy of the two of us... If something has to be built or put together in our house, it's The Missus who does it)... Anyway, the responsibility falls on me to decide what kind of computer would be best for us.

Now, to start, I hate desktop computers. They limit you to where you can work. And like the rest of the ADD generation of mine, I can't stay in one place all the time. If I want to blog from my dressing room, I should be able to do that. Or is I need to look up a recipe online, I should be able to take the computer with me to the kitchen. And what about tanning? If I want to get some sun while I finish up keyword recommendations for a client, I should be able to take the computer with me out on my deck.

So, a desktop is out. It has to be a laptop. But what kind of laptop? A PC or a Mac? I've always ben a PC user. Never have I really ever used a Mac... Which is surprising, seeing as I majored in Journalism and Media.

I decided that since I knew a lot about using a PC (and know what I don't like about them), I should see what a Mac can offer. So after reading up on them online a few weeks back, I discovered that the Apple Store at the CambridgeSide Galleria offers classes for people looking to switch to a Mac. So at 9am on Saturday morning, I hopped in a cab and sped away to the mall.

There were about four of us in the class, which was taught by a comic fellow named "Colin." It was a fun class, and it opened my eyes to some unique qualities of the Mac. After learning how much easier it is do things on a Mac (specifically for writers and search engine marketers like myself) I wondered why the hell I use a PC.


Macs are just built for creative people. From pulling copy and images from a page (which I have to do a lot for my job) by just dragging it from window the next to never having to worry about malicious bugs or programs automatically downloading themselves on to my computer. Also, Colin went over the three major components to a computer (RAM, processor and hard drive) and explained what each does and why they are important.

I've decided that I will definitely be buying a Mac for my next computer. Now I just need to figure out which one I am going to buy. I do have my eye on the MacBook for now, I must confess.


Anonymous said…
My roommate just got the black macbook and it is pretty cool. There are a lot of different features that you just can't get on a PC. I think you should get one.
Anonymous said…
They gave me a Mac laptop at my work. It is such a powerful and sleek machine I wonder why I ever used a PC.

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