Organized, But Not Anal.
I'm not anally organized with everything in my life. Though many might beg to differ (as anyone at BKTT, probably my work place and some of my Facebook followers), I truly am not.
But when it comes to my kitchen, I try to be.
No box containers here. I try to make sure everything is put into its own container.
This includes the things that I bake...
(Please take a moment to appreciate that I was watching "New Moon" from the "Twilight Saga" while taking this picture.)
A nice stack of gluten-free vegan chocolate chip cookies. I stopped short of cutting individual rounds of wax paper to stack between them. But I really wanted to. Truly.
A Facebook Friend from high school told me he loved that I did this, but found it a little "Mommy Dearest." Now, I certainly don't have her anger... But I can certainly sympathize with one rule of hers...
"No wire hangers EVER!"