It's Back Bitchez!

Apologies for the aggressive content there... But in a moment, you will understand.

It happens tonight. LOST is finally back!

After three whole eff-ing months on hiatus, LOST is back on TV tonight. And there will only be new episodes from here until the end of the season. Yay!

When we last left the the gang on the Island, Jack had just commandeered Ben's body on the surgery table in order to secure Kate and Sawyer's release. I don't know if I can remember if anything else was happening though. It was so long ago, and the season had really only been about the Kate/Sawyer/Jack triangle.

So it is going to be awesome getting back into the LOST groove tomorrow night. AWESOME!

Be warned though people. LOST has a new time in the Wednesday night schedule... It's not on until 10pm.


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