It has now, as of today, officially been seven months since I last had my eyebrows waxed.


Yes. That is an "Eww." But I have just been too busy on the weekends these past few months to actually book an appointment to get it done.

Damn good thing I don't suffer from "uni-brow syndrome." Things could have gotten really ugly. They really just need to be shaped.

I mean, it's not like I have Andy Rooney's insane eyebrows.

Thank god for that! But a trip to the shaper is needed STAT!


Jessica (Bayjb) said…
Wow 7 months? Wow. I used to go that long but now am every two months. Mine grow in like CRAZY once it gets started
Ellie said…
I'm so glad I didn't look at this before bed last night - it would have given me nightmares. I despise that whiny old geezer. I had a bad brow wax experience about a year ago and subsequently looked permanently puzzled. It's amazing what a difference good (or bad) brows make!
bonbonagogo said…
Yeah, I saw him at a restaurant last summer...they were really that bad.

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