Determining Bra Size.
So, I recently learned that I was wearing the wrong size bra. The completely wrong size bra. So completely off, it's not even funny. It's actually quite sad. Anyhow, I decided to do some research on how to figure out the proper bra size one should wear, as well as types of bras, and came across this information on Wikipedia.
I didn't realize that someone can look like they are a C cup but really be a D. And, someone can look like they are a C cup but really be a B cup. It's all so confusing. And then, there are so many different types of bras one can choose from to wear for different looks. My favorite are t-shirt bras. I wear them with everything. But I also like shirts with built-in bras for yoga.
The most unattractive type of bra out there has got to be the classic stand-by 18-Hour Bra.

Not only does it look bad, but I imagine it feels bad. Probably very uncomfortable. Who wants to wear a bra for 18 hours? I don't. What woman would want to? How am I supposed to feel girlie in a bra that looks like a bunch of ACE bandages wrapped around my body?
No thanks.
I didn't realize that someone can look like they are a C cup but really be a D. And, someone can look like they are a C cup but really be a B cup. It's all so confusing. And then, there are so many different types of bras one can choose from to wear for different looks. My favorite are t-shirt bras. I wear them with everything. But I also like shirts with built-in bras for yoga.
The most unattractive type of bra out there has got to be the classic stand-by 18-Hour Bra.

Not only does it look bad, but I imagine it feels bad. Probably very uncomfortable. Who wants to wear a bra for 18 hours? I don't. What woman would want to? How am I supposed to feel girlie in a bra that looks like a bunch of ACE bandages wrapped around my body?
No thanks.
Wearing the wrong size bra may be one of the most miserable experiences ever...yet i always hear women saying..oh i couldnt be that size..(which mostly means i dont want to be that size)...cheers to you for stepping it up and giving your "you know whats" a happy place to live