The Last Twenty-Something Birthday Flowers.

Because it is my last twenty-something birthday, my husband was inspired* to send me two sets of flower bouquets to work. One bouquet was carnations (one of my favorites). The other bouquet was irises. In addition to this, my parents sent me a bouquet of orchids. So my desk has turned into a mini-flower shop of its own. (I'm so happy!)

Back when my husband and I were dating (circa 2002) I "educated"him on the importance of sending a woman flowers to her place of work. Sure, bringing me home flowers are nice... But girls like to get flowers sent to them at work because there are other people who will see them and say "Wow! Someone was thoughtful enough to send you flowers. Cool!" So now he knows I enjoy flowers the most when he sends them to me at work.

*I planted the thought into his subconsious weeks ago...


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