The Ritual Guessing. Over or Under.

An addition to my birthday dinner post...

My husband and I have a ritual we do every time we go out to eat together. At the end of the meal, before either of us looks at the bill, we take a guess as to what the total might be. Typically, I win at this game. I have an amazing knack for calculating prices in my head (must come form my shopping habits and calculating the total cost of items before I hit the checkout queues.) In fact, I can't recall a time in the past few years where I haven't won at this game.

Last night I didn't win. At first I said "$$$." My husband looked at me thoughtfully while trying to make his guess. Before he said anything, I changed my guess to "$$$," which was $5 more than my previous guess.

My husband kept struggling to venture a guess, so I told him "Dude, just guess 'over' or 'under' my guess."

He said, "That's the problem. I was gonna guess exactly the range you have guessed. I guess I'll take under."

I flip over the bill, and sure enough, my original guess was what it was.

Damn me for not sticking to my first choice!


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