Bikram Yoga Challenge: DONE!

I am officially done with my SECOND 30-Day Bikram yoga challenge.


The time flew a lot more quickly than the first time I did the challenge back in October/November of last year. But I can see and feel the results from finishing the challenge this time around... Including:

  1. My postures had lost some grace since the last challenge and this one. I gained some of it back this time around.
  2. I can sometimes kick out in standing head to knee pose. Still working on locking the leg. But as they say, "It's a lifetime practice." So I have another 40 or 50 years to get it.
  3. I CAN do a double if I ever want or need to. I have done one now. Yay!
  4. My arms are toning nicely again.
  5. My bum is smaller. (Though it could just be the jeans I bought.)
  6. Some of my dress pants are looser in the waist and the bum. That's always nice.
  7. Despite being a large-cup, I can fit into size medium tops again. (No need for the large! Except in swimwear.)
  8. I can balance on my toes very well.
  9. I am able to wrap my right leg in eagle pose. I can almost wrap the left. (This has always been a challenge.)
  10. I can go really far back and deep into any pose that requires bending backwards. (Except floor bow.)
  11. And in the balancing postures, I have begun distributing my weight better in my standing leg and leaning forward into the toes.

So I've seen some great stuff over the last 30 days. I intend to continue my practice from here on out with going 4 days a week. (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.) This time around in the challenge, I didn't get exhausted until day 29. And I was fine by today and had a very confident class 30.

Yay Bikram!


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