Giving Up Stuff.

I made a decision last night as I was laying in pain in my Bikram class...

I am giving up junk food, coffee and alcohol. (Except for the occasional glass of red wine and champagne for celebrations... I only have red wine maybe once a week. Besides... Red wine is good for the heart.)

Why this decision? Well, I had a REALLY bad class last night. Sure, I was practicing in one of the warmer spots (I think) in the room. So that may have added to the bad class. But I think it also didn't help that I had a Happy Meal for lunch yesterday... And have had one for the past few days. And I also had bagels for breakfast each day. And with the Starbucks right down stairs; it's hard not to be tempted with coffee.

I think my body was telling me (with the stomach pains like I was going to puke) that I don't need these things. And it is time to just not be bothered with them.

Now, don't get me wrong, I will still drink coffee. Just decaf. And the occasional Taco Bell or hamburger from McDonald's won't be bad. But I could use a restructuring to my focus here. And I am so tempted to give up meat... But I know I would cave. I get protein cravings every now and then.

So I will see how long this new regime lasts. But I don't ever want to feel that sick in class again. And I know it wasn't due to my water intake, because I had drunk plenty of water prior to class. It definitely had to do with my food intake. I felt the pain greatest when we were doing the floor postures on our stomachs. (My standing postures have definitely improved.)


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