Alexander McQueen Skull Suitcase.
Well... I did it, people. I finally purchased the Alexander McQueen Skull suitcase I have been coveting for nearly two years.

I couldn't bring myself to purchase it before now because of the price. But while out this afternoon in NYC (which is where I am this weekend, with Frogger and Bail), we went to Takashimaya on Fifth Avenue (it's a Japanese department store) to peek at what was on sale. (Seriously, there are some AMAZING sales going on in this city.) We walked down the floors, peeking at everything...
When we got down to the second floor (the Travel floor) Frogger spotted the suitcase. And it was on the sales rack. And it was (in total) about 55% off the original price. And, it came with a few garment sacks inside it...
Though, as Frogger noted, this is the THIRD time I have gone away with her somewhere and come back with a new piece of luggage. But, as she noted, "You have blogged about this piece many times."
It was simply meant to be.