Golden Globes - My Thoughts.

I stopped watching awards shows about two years ago. I got bored with them. The only reason to watch was for the fashion... And I could easily hop online to view that.

There was no reason to watch the show. Then, last night...

I was quite surprised by how much I enjoyed the show!

I'm not sure if it's because there were great movies and shows being recognized this year... Or if because I was just in the mood for a glamorous evenings... But I loved every minute I watched.

Don't know if I will actually sit and watch the Oscars next month... But it's more likely now, after last night.

As for the fashion... I have to confess that I loved Drew Barrymore's look for the evening...

As soon as I saw her, I thought, "Marilyn Monroe." It's a total bombshell look, and it really worked well on her.

Renee Zellwegger, on the other hand, what the fuck were you thinking?


Kayleigh said…
I didn't watch the whole show, but the part I caught seemed to move along a lot more quickly than past years or other awards shows. It seemed there was a minimum of drawn out speeches and cheesy joke introductions. Hopefully the Oscars will follow suit.

My only complaint - why didn't they create a path for the winners to walk through up to the stage? It was embarrassing watching winner after winner go left, then right, as the A listers at the tables tried to stear them around the tables to the stage. Also - what was with them showing Drew Barrymore every 5 minutes? Was she up for an award I don't know about? It caught her smily reaction to every joke and award. Very strange that someone who hasn't been promoting a movie in a couple years was suddenly the center of the camera's attention.
Me said…
She actually does have a new movie coming out in about three weeks... "He's Just Not That Into You."

Warner Brothers is one of the distributors. And I know that WB was one of the sponsors of the official Golden Globes after-party. So that may have had something to do with the close-ups of her.
Adventurous Kate said…
Thank you! I liked Drew's hair, too, and it seemed like everyone hated it.

This was a good show, especially to see how happy Kate and Mickey were and to hear Tracey's speech.
Robin M Anderson said…
Awww now I'm bummed I missed it! I too gave up watching and I only watch the pre show on E! to see who is wearing what.

I loved drew too but also Cameron, Eva Mendes, and Debra (sans crimped pony tail.)

BFW (Tammy) said…
I agree... Drew looked fabulous and Renne looked HORRIFIC. I think you enjoyed last night's show b/c the Golden Globes are always fun. It's not a stadium seating event, but rather, a more personal, dinner table event and you get to the see the folks interacting with each other. Even if I don't watch the entire show, I AM a slave to the E! Red Carpet pre-show. Can't help it...

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