Need Bath Oil? Just Use Olive Oil.
Desperation was enveloping me this evening. Dry, itchy desperation.

See, I love baths. Bubbles... Salts... Essential oils... I take a bath at least every other night, in addition to at least one, if not two showers a day. Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring... Doesn't matter the season. I love HOT baths.

What I don't love? The dry dehydrated skin I get from them. And it's only worse now that the bitter cold Winter chill is here. (Global warming my ASS!)
So I spent a good part of my afternoon today going from shop to shop to find bath oil. Not bubble bath. As bubble bath is drying. (Even though it can smell incredible!)
I used to use Jo Malone's bath oil... But, it's so expensive. And I go through it in about two months. I needed something more economical. And my trip to the shops turned up nothing of use.
Back at home, I was bummed. My skin was itchy under my sweater. And with it being so cold out (and some of it seeping in through the cracks of our windows) I knew it wouldn't be long before I would be craving a hot bath.
That's when I decided to call upon the almighty Google to help me out.
I have heard many stories about how you can use olive oil on your body... Like to condition your hair, or soften your feet... But I was wondering if you could use it in your bath. Sure enough, you can!
I tried it tonight. And it was really good. I only added two teaspoons to my bath, along with my usual Epsom salts. It felt great. And so far, I haven't had to dump on any lotion after the bath.
I may start trying to formulate my own recipes... This is way cheaper than the Jo Malone stuff! (Though, if I'm ever able to get a good deal on the JM stuff, I will totally snatch it up!)