Spring 2009 Vacation.

Frogger and I threw ourselves into researching an affordable trip to Cape Town, South Africa in the Fall. We priced out different options and found some really reasonable prices... But, in order to make the trip really worthwhile, we would need to take off two weeks.
We have other things booked this year that wouldn't allow for 14 days of travel in the Fall, all at one time. So back to the Internet to research new options...
- Chile?
- Peru?
- Vienna-Prague train ride?
- Galapagos Islands?
No... We found something perfect for us, and that we could do this Spring... A multi-city trip to Europe!

We start in Amsterdam, which neither Frogger or I have been to. After two days, we go to Brussels. We'll take a day trip to Bruges, and then spend a full day in Brussels. Then we go to Paris for three and a half days.
So that's THREE countries that I get to visit. My goal for 2009 was to visit TWO countries outside of Australia, the U.S., U.K., and Canada.
Yay! We leave April 8th.
And, apparently, the thing to do in Brussels: Eat French fries.