"Oh! The Things He Does To My Body!"
So, The Husband and I now share the same trainer. On Monday and Friday mornings at the ass-crack of dawn, The Trainer sees me. Then, 12 hours later (on Fridays only), he sees The Husband.
This past Friday was the first "date" The Husband had with The Trainer. And the next morning, The Husband woke up very sore in his legs. I laughed my ass off at his pain and felt no sympathy, though.
See, since I started seeing this new trainer last Summer, I often am sore too. That's because this trainer really pushes me. He gives me much heavier weights. He makes me do a ridiculous amount of reps. He doesn't let me get out of much of anything.
He's a good trainer. Not always good with punctuality first thing in the morning, but he's a good trainer. So I know what The Husband means when he says he is "sore." And I laugh because I am used to it.
Or so I thought.
This morning, I crawled out of bed and experienced a whole new level of soreness, directly in my ass cheeks and inner thighs.
"Oh!" I screamed. "The things he does to my body!"
The Husband says, "Why, thank you. I enjoy the delayed compliments."
"Not you!" I snapped. "The Trainer! I am in pain in new areas in my body. He really worked my ass in yesterday's session!"
The Husband laughed.
So, what did The Trainer make me do that left my ass muscles so fatigued? He made me use the kettle bell weights and do various lunges and squats.
Have you ever used these things?

They're killer! And now my ass is sore!
This past Friday was the first "date" The Husband had with The Trainer. And the next morning, The Husband woke up very sore in his legs. I laughed my ass off at his pain and felt no sympathy, though.
See, since I started seeing this new trainer last Summer, I often am sore too. That's because this trainer really pushes me. He gives me much heavier weights. He makes me do a ridiculous amount of reps. He doesn't let me get out of much of anything.
He's a good trainer. Not always good with punctuality first thing in the morning, but he's a good trainer. So I know what The Husband means when he says he is "sore." And I laugh because I am used to it.
Or so I thought.
This morning, I crawled out of bed and experienced a whole new level of soreness, directly in my ass cheeks and inner thighs.
"Oh!" I screamed. "The things he does to my body!"
The Husband says, "Why, thank you. I enjoy the delayed compliments."
"Not you!" I snapped. "The Trainer! I am in pain in new areas in my body. He really worked my ass in yesterday's session!"
The Husband laughed.
So, what did The Trainer make me do that left my ass muscles so fatigued? He made me use the kettle bell weights and do various lunges and squats.
Have you ever used these things?

They're killer! And now my ass is sore!