"Children Are The Orgasm Of Life?"

Don't get me wrong. I love Lululemon. I would go to work in a pair of Lulu's Groove Yoga Pants each day if I could. And normally, when I purchase things from the store, I love receiving my "Manifesto" reusable shopping bag. But a trip there to get a Remix Hoodie USA yesterday had me wanting to stick my finger down my throat and puke up all the good feelings I had about the store.

What had me so put-off? One of the sayings on the "Manifesto" bag...

"Children are the orgasm of life?" Excuse me?

Don't get me wrong... I LOVE children. They're wonderful and precious when they are new born. And once they hit the age of four, they're wonderful too. (It's just during the "asshole" stage of two to three that I want mostly nothing to do with them.) Kids are great. And fun. Even during the "asshole" stage... They say funny things and are actually quite genius with their discoveries. But to call them "the orgasm of life?" Um... No.

What if one decides to never have children? Or what if one can't have children? Or what if one wants to have children but never meets a mate good enough to have them with, because all they seem to keep encountering are people who never grew out of that "asshole" stage from early childhood?

Are we denied this feeling of "the orgasm of life?"

How utterly eff-ing cruel.

This is one of the reasons I struggle with committing to the idea of having a child. It's this idea that having a child is one's "purpose" in life. Or that it is the "most important thing" one can do in their life.

I've never thought about a child in either of these ways. And I never will. I always thought of having children as a "fun way to keep company." Like I noted, they are precious and funny... Even when they are assholes. And if I did have them, they would be "up there" in terms of significant things I do in my life. But I plan on doing many, many other things that are equally significant, to me.

I mean, if children are, indeed, the "orgasm of life," those of who don't want/can't have/can't find someone not-asshole-ish to have one with should just end things now. And that can't be what the Universe wants. Because there are far too many things for me left to do...
  • drink more cups of Nespresso
  • Bikram 101 Challenge
  • buy more skinny jeans from Jean Therapy
  • travel back to Rome and see Chilean wine country
  • attend Bikram yoga teacher training
  • help build a successful digital marketing business
  • finally straighten my leg in Standing Bow Pulling pose
See? Far too many things to do.


amandadawn said…
You know, when I first had my daughter, I struggled with the fact that I felt like kids weren't my whole life, it felt almost wrong. But I didn't feel bad for feeling that way. I love my kidlets to death, and they are funny (Like when the daughter repeated me saying Santa operates like the Mafia), but there are many facets in my life that define me, not just my kids. So I'm with you!
Me said…
Hmmm... I think your kids might actually be an exception AD... I mean, wasn't it your daughter who said she was "all about the fashion" when it came to dressing for school?

That is a child I, as a parent, could fall head-over-heels for. LOL!
Arielle said…
SO TRUE. I think children are great if that's what you want (which I might some day, but certainly not now aside from the fact that I'm not even dating anyone). But a lot of people do have the attitude that having a family is life's one purpose and, as you said, a lot of people can't have that for whatever reason OR they flat out just don't want it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to live your life and not have any children.
I absolutely don't think that children are the orgasm of life, but drinking coffee and shopping pales in comparison to the joy that they can bring, even at age two and three. The two are NOT mutually exclusive. I feel as though I can do all that and more, with a two year old! That being said, if you aren't sure if you want kids or not....don't do it! They don't make life more fulfilling, that has to come from inside. To have them or not is completely a personal decision and for obvious reasons my heart breaks for those who want them and can't have them. Nothing makes me angrier than when people who don't really want kids have them just for the sake of having them.
Duffy Pratt said…
It doesn't say: "Your own children are the orgasm of life." I agree that its a really stupid comment, but for other reasons. Let's face it: Orgasms are the orgasms of life. And that says nothing about their importance.
Me said…
Ha! Ha! Ha! I love that, Duffy Pratt!
amandadawn said…
haha! Yes, my daughter is the "fashionista" (though she has light years to go before she's allowed to make too many decisions on her own =P) that would make you proud. And even though at the time, I wasn't ready for her, they have indeed changed my life. But the "orgasm?" I suppose they're the product of one (tee hee)...
aHappyYogi said…
I agree with you, a stupid comment that is. There are so many children in the world that don't have a parent looking after or caring for them. How can they be an orgasm in anybodies life. I'd rather help some of these kids instead of getting any of my own.
Kayleigh said…
The Missus, I'm with you - as a childless person I see no reason for the elitism of that sentiment especially since Lululemon's market is probably predominatly young childless women.

But you failed to mention the total grossness of using the words orgasm and children in the same sentence. yech. seriously, who approved that?
That Girl! said…
I totally agree with Kayleigh's comments. And I really appreciate this post too. I grapple with the notion of having kids. I feel a lot of pressure in my family to do so but I'm not 100% certain it's something I want.

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